At Read Learning Center (RLC) in Sacramento, California, we understand the worry and heartache of watching a bright, capable child struggle with reading, writing, or math. If you’re concerned that dyslexia might be contributing to these challenges, our dedicated team is here to support you and your child. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore proven techniques to improve reading fluency for students with dyslexia, drawing from our extensive experience and expertise in the field.

Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects reading, writing, and spelling skills. It’s characterized by difficulties in accurate and fluent word recognition, spelling challenges, and decoding capabilities. For dyslexic students, reading can feel like a slow, laborious process, which often impacts comprehension and overall academic performance.

Key challenges dyslexic students face in reading fluency:

  • Slow reading speed
  • Difficulty with word recognition
  • Trouble with phonological processing
  • Inconsistent reading accuracy
  • Challenges in maintaining focus while reading

Proven Techniques to Improve Reading with Dyslexia

  1. Multisensory Structured Language Education (MSLE)

MSLE is a cornerstone of effective dyslexia reading techniques. It engages the learner through simultaneous multisensory input, reinforcing neural pathways via visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile channels. Or, in simpler terms, it’s a whole-body approach that helps students with dyslexia absorb information through their eyes, ears, and hands.

How to implement MSLE:

  • Use sand trays for letter formation practice
  • Incorporate letter tiles or magnetic letters for word-building
  • Apply body movements and gestures to represent sounds or syllables
  1. Phonological Awareness Training

Strengthening phonological awareness is crucial for improving reading fluency in dyslexic students.

Effective exercises include:

  • Rhyming games: Play “Rhyme Time,” where students find and match words that rhyme, like “book” and “cook” or “dish” and “wish”
  • Syllable counting and clapping: Practice clapping out the syllables in words, such as “bu-tter-fly” (clap-clap-clap), to reinforce understanding of syllable division.
  • Sound blending and segmenting activities: Use Elkonin boxes to help students blend sounds to form words, like /b/ /a/ /t/ to make “bat,” and segment words back into individual sounds.
  • Identifying initial, medial, and final sounds in words: Conduct “Sound Spotting,” where students identify and sort words based on their beginning, middle, or ending sounds, such as recognizing the initial /m/ in “mouse,” the medial /a/ in “cat,” and the final /g/ in “dog.”
  1. Repeated Reading Practice

Repeated reading is a powerful technique for building fluency and confidence.

Implementation strategies:

  • Select short, engaging segments: To match the student’s instructional level to maintain interest and ensure comprehension.
  • Encourage the student to read the selection multiple times: Focusing on enhancing both speed and accuracy with each attempt.
  • Monitor progress by using graphs or charts: To visually represent and celebrate the student’s improvement over time.
  1. Assistive Technology

Leveraging technology can significantly support dyslexic readers.

Useful tools to support reading include:

  • Text-to-speech software: Provides auditory reinforcement by reading the text aloud.
  • Audiobooks: Offers an engaging way to experience stories and improve listening comprehension.
  • Reading pens: Helps with on-the-spot pronunciation and definitions by scanning and reading words aloud.
  • Digital highlighting tools: Aids in focusing on key information and improves retention through visual cues.
  1. Building a Strong Sight Word Vocabulary

Developing a robust sight word vocabulary is crucial for helping dyslexic students quickly recognize high-frequency words, which in turn enhances their overall reading fluency.

Effective methods:

  • Use flashcards with multisensory elements (e.g., textured letters)
  • Practice sight words in context through sentence-building activities
  • Incorporate sight word games and interactive digital activities
  1. Chunking and Phrasing Techniques

Teaching students to recognize and read word groups or phrases can enhance fluency and comprehension.

Strategies to try:

  • Practice with phrase cards to reinforce common word groupings
  • Highlight natural breaks in texts to guide phrasing
  • Model fluent reading, demonstrating appropriate phrasing and pauses
  1. Timed Reading Exercises

Carefully implemented timed reading can motivate students and track progress.

Best practices:

  • Begin with short, achievable time goals to build confidence
  • Gradually increase the difficulty and duration of reading sessions
  • Emphasize personal improvement rather than comparing progress with peers
  1. Dyslexia-Friendly Fonts and Formatting

Adjusting text presentation can significantly impact reading ease for dyslexic students.


  • Using dyslexia-friendly fonts such as OpenDyslexic or Dyslexie
  • Increasing line spacing and margins to reduce visual clutter
  • Employing pastel-colored backgrounds instead of stark white to ease eye strain
  1. Building Reading Stamina

Gradually increasing reading duration helps build endurance and confidence.

Tips for success:

  • Start with short, high-interest texts to keep students engaged
  • Use a timer and gradually extend the reading time in small increments
  • Incorporate regular breaks to maintain focus and prevent fatigue
  1. Metacognitive Strategies

Teaching students to monitor their own reading and employ problem-solving strategies empowers them to become more independent readers.

Key strategies:

  • Encourage self-questioning techniques to promote active engagement
  • Use visualization exercises, like drawing scenes or creating mental images of characters and settings, to enhance comprehension and retention
  • Implement comprehension monitoring tools such as sticky notes and graphic organizers to track understanding and progress

Read Learning Center’s Approach to Dyslexia Support

At Read Learning Center, we recognize that every dyslexic student is unique in the way they learn. Our approach combines proven techniques with a comprehensive assessment and tailored intervention plans to support your child’s development and set them on a path toward lasting success.

Our Process Includes:

Comprehensive Dyslexia Assessment: We conduct an in-depth evaluation to identify each student’s specific strengths and challenges, including:

  • Reviewing your child’s developmental history
  • Analyzing traditional educational records
  • Testing for language-based learning challenges through an academic skills assessment

This thorough process provides a clear picture of your child’s learning profile and academic standing based on standardized norms, which is crucial for implementing appropriate, research-based interventions to help them excel in their studies. According to the National Center on Improving Literacy, interventions targeting word reading skills and early identification significantly benefit students with dyslexia​.

Personalized Learning Plans: Based on the assessment results, we create customized roadmaps that address each student’s unique needs.

Expert Instruction: Our expert staff at RLC employs a combination of proven techniques, customizing our approach to align with each student’s unique learning style.

Ongoing Progress Monitoring: We continuously track each student’s progress, adjusting our strategies as needed to ensure optimal growth and development.

Parent and Teacher Support: We believe in a collaborative approach, providing resources and guidance to parents and teachers to support the student’s progress outside of our center.

Finding the Right Academic Placement

We understand that finding the right academic placement is essential for your child’s well-being. Because of this, we want to ensure that our program is the right fit to meet your child’s social-emotional and academic needs. Our comprehensive assessment and personalized approach help us determine the most appropriate support for your child.

Championing Literacy for Students with Dyslexia

Enhancing reading fluency in dyslexic students requires patience, persistence, and the right strategies. By implementing these proven techniques and seeking expert support, you can empower your child to overcome reading challenges and discover the joy of learning.

At Read Learning Center in Sacramento, we are dedicated to guiding dyslexic students on their unique path to literacy. Our personalized approach ensures each child receives the tailored support they need to flourish, not just academically—but in all aspects of life.

If you are concerned about your child’s reading development or suspect they may have dyslexia, we encourage you to reach out. Our compassionate team is here to provide clarity, support, and expert guidance, empowering your child to reach their full potential.

Contact Read Learning Center today to learn more about our comprehensive dyslexia assessment and intervention programs. Together, let’s ignite your child’s limitless potential and cultivate a lifelong love for reading that will open doors to endless possibilities.