Covid 19
COVID-19 Response Guide
The conditions and growing body of information surrounding COVID-19 continue to evolve. This reality presents challenges in planning, preparing, and guiding our program operations. Therefore, revisions to our procedures may occur as new information develops. Our ultimate goal is to ensure a safe environment for all students and staff in order to provide normal daily activities as much as possible.
Please discuss with your child’s health care provider to determine if in-person learning is the appropriate plan for your child.
Health Protocol
Should a student or staff member experience any illness symptoms, they will be asked to stay home regardless of their ultimate diagnosis.
COVID-19 Symptoms Impacting Exclusion From Campus Include:
● A fever of 100.0 F or greater
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Chills
● Repeated shaking with chills
● Muscle pain
● Headache
● Sore throat
● New loss of taste or smell
Students and staff are excluded from campus if they test positive for COVID-19 or exhibit one or more of the symptoms of COVID-19. If your child has a non-contagious medical condition that includes one or more symptoms, such as allergies or asthma, we ask that you provide documentation from your child’s primary care doctor that your child’s symptoms are consistent with a non-contagious condition.
Return to Campus After Exclusion
Persons who have not received a test proving or disproving the presence of COVID-19 but experience symptoms may return if the following three conditions are met:
- They have not had a fever for at least 72 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine).
- Other symptoms have improved (see symptoms)
- At least ten calendar days have passed since their symptoms first appeared.
Tested Positive- Symptomatic
Persons who experienced symptoms and have tested positive for COVID-19 may return to campus if the following three conditions are met:
- They no longer have a fever (without the use of medicine)
- Other symptoms have improved (see symptoms)
- At least ten calendar days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
Tested Positive- Asymptomatic
Persons who have not had symptoms but test positive for COVID-19 may return when:
- They have gone ten calendar days from the test date without symptoms
- Have been released by a healthcare provider.
Clinical Space COVID-19 Symptomatic
We have a designated space apart from the rest of the campus reserved for those feeling ill, while waiting to be picked up. Students who are sick will be walked out of the building to their parents. If a student or staff member has a fever they will be immediately sent home and should seek medical evaluation.
Protocol If A Confirmed Case Has Entered Our School
If we become aware of an infected person having been in the school building, we will immediately implement a short-term closure. Parents and staff will be notified immediately. The infected person’s identity will remain confidential as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
During the short-term closure, we will thoroughly sanitize and disinfect all areas used by the ill person.
Personal Protective Equipment
Face masks are mandatory except when eating, drinking or during PE/Recess. In the event that a face mask cannot be worn for medical reasons, a medical waiver must be on file. While teaching and for pedagogical reasons, a teacher may elect to wear a face shield and remain 6’ from students at all times.
Preventative Measures
The priority for preventing the spread of disease on campus is to insist that sick staff and students stay home. Additionally, students and staff should remain home if someone in the household has COVID-19 symptoms or is being tested for COVID-19. If you have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, please follow applicable CDC guidelines for self-quarantine and discuss screening options with your doctor.
Handwashing and avoiding touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth are necessary steps to prevent illness or the spread of germs.
Staff and students must wash their hands upon entering the building. In addition to outdoor washing stations, each classroom is equipped with sinks. If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol is available in each room.
Sunlight, exercise, sleep, and good nutrition are also shown to help prevent disease. If anyone in the home has a fever or symptoms of illness, the child must stay home. Please don’t send sick children to campus.
Classroom Structure
We will work to ensure that students and staff groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of children stay with the same staff member as much as possible. In addition, we will:
Maintain 6’ distance between all desks in all classrooms
Hold outdoor classes whenever possible.
Minimize sharing of high touch materials to the extent possible or limit the use of supplies and equipment per class and disinfect between uses.
Minimize the sharing of electronic devices, toys, books, art supplies, and other games or learning aids when possible.
Minimize family visits on campus and restrict vendor access to the campus to times when students are not present.
Daily sanitization in all classrooms, bathrooms and workstations.
Weekly hospital grade sanitation.
Increase airflow to maximize GPS functionality (GPS Info in separate document)
Monthly filter changes to maximize GPS functionality.