Can Tutoring Benefit Working Memory?

Can Tutoring Benefit Working Memory?

What is Working Memory? Working memory is the ability to retain information as an easily accessible tool. Working memory allows a person to problem-solve, digest new information, and plan. This is used for activities such as mental math, remembering directions, and...

Structured Literacy Vs. Balanced Literacy

Literacy in America Literacy rates in America are- in short- not good. 65 percent of fourth graders read at a level considered basic or below. 54 percent of US adults 16-74 years old read below a sixth-grade level. For these Americans who struggle with literacy, the...

How to Make Learning Fun for Your Child

Table of Contents How to Make Learning Fun for Your Child Make it Interactive!Make it Rewarding! Make it Playful!Conclusion How to Make Learning Fun for Your Child Children spend a substantial amount of time learning in school. However, for some children, more is...
The Importance of Reading Assessments, Explained

The Importance of Reading Assessments, Explained

Sometimes, working on improving your child’s literacy skills can feel overwhelming. However, take comfort in knowing that today’s literacy programs have dramatically improved literacy rates. Two hundred years ago, only 12% of adults could read. Since then, we have...